GoldenHeart Threads

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Location: Attleboro, Massachusetts, United States

Friday, October 29, 2010

Delilah-Dead and Loving It

Here is our sweet Delilah, the victim of an untimely and unexplained death. Resting in Peace in a dark mausoleum guarded by ghouls.

Someone waits for her to rise from her deathly slumber. What's taking so Long!

The perfect visage of timeless sleep. No dreams for Delilah but soon...a nightmare!
In the meantime, someone is nodding off...
Delilah opens her eyes to a strange scene. Her eyes immediately adjust to the darkness and her vision seems heightened as well. And what she sees around her...


Where am I, she softly whispers as she looks around her. Who are you? she asks of the silent sentinels...but they do not answer her.

Wha...sleeping...I was not sleeping. I am the essence of nightmares incarnate. Who dares...

Delilah gasps as she realizes she is awakening in a mausoleum instead of in her own bed. Is she dead? Confusion sets in.

Its about time you awakened. I've been waiting here forever!

I must be dreaming! That's it...its just a very nasty nightmare. No more chocolate bon bons right before bed!

Who are you and what am I doing here? What have you done to me? Am I dead? I want my!

Get off of me you vile little creatures!

What on earth am I wearing? Is this a robe? Why aren't I cold? I can't possibly be seen in this...this...
Is that all you can do...ask questions? Look in the trunk.

What trunk...oh...that trunk. Thank you...I think...

Hmmmm, what do we have here?

I can't believe I got myself into this. Ghouls would you please give her a hand and hurry her up!

No, no! That's ok. I am doing just fine without any help Thank you. Please, just stay right there!

Very well. Just Hurry it up will you. We haven't got all night. Well...actually we do but then the sun rises and messes everything up!

Well...this could work. I guess. Better than what I am wearing now...a shroud. Its, last century!

Well, we will not be needing these yet. Might as well be patient. It is not as if I will run out of time since I have been around for a millenium now.

A while later...
That's much better! Undead with style. The only way to go!

Ah, some progress at last. I thirst... Mmmm, AB-...a rare vintage.
Mmmmmm. Are these blood rubies? Hey...they match my eyes!

Thirsty Horace?

Such a glutton!

I just love these wings! I guess I couldn't get more "Goth" than this. My friends will be so envious!

And just who do you think you are?

Off with you! I have enough to deal with tonight without having unwanted passengers on my person!

Can I actually fly with these guy...

Hey! Are you listening? I think I am ready to go now.

It is about time young lady! It is not wise to make your maker wait. I could lop off your head if I desired to. Just you remember who is the master here!

(Whispering to the ghouls) Did he just call himself my master? Boy does he have a lot to learn!

Finally ready? I think I am going to live to regret this one!

Oh...look what I found! I think I will name you Fred. Oooooo, you tickle!

Gads! Would you look at the time. Half the night already wasted and I have so much I must teach you before sunrise. Put your little friend down and let us go!

Can I what are your names? You don't have names! Well, then you are Gracie and you are George. Can I bring Gracie and George? Pleeeeease!
I couldn't help myself...she had such a lovely neck. It was just screaming to be bitten. I must learn to curb my appetite a bit...mutter...mutter...mutter.
And just who invited you along!
Happy Halloween to all and to all, a spooky night!